Triple P® & Signposts

Positive Parenting Programme®

Level 2 Webinars | Level 3 One-to-One Coaching | Level 4 Group Sessions | Signposts | Kopi Sessions for Grandparents


In this current situation, more parents may need help and support in parenting their children and to strengthen family relationships. Good news for you. Here at Morning Star, we are still continuing with our parenting support for you with our Triple P programmes. All Level 3 one-to-one coaching sessions are now conducted online. Some of the parents who have already joined us online are seeing benefits from it. Do contact us for more information.

Contact us: [email protected]

E2 Cluster Schools – Ms Zarina Bee (HP): 9297 9739

E4 Cluster Schools – Ms Wish Zhang (HP): 8717 8685

E5 Cluster Schools – Ms Angela Chan (HP): 8949 6525

E6/7 Cluster Schools – Ms Siti Sarah (HP): 8932 4808


All interested parents, no matter which school your child is from, are welcome to give us a call to find out more.


E2 Cluster Schools


1. Bedok Green Primary School

2. Bedok Green Secondary School

3. Bedok South Secondary School

4. Bedok View Secondary School

5. Fengshan Primary School

6. NorthLight School

7. Red Swastika School

8. Temasek Primary School

9. Temasek Secondary School

10. Temasek JC

11. Yu Neng Primary School


E4 Cluster Schools


1. Anglican High School

2. Chung Cheng High Main

3. Damai Primary School

4. Damai Secondary School

5. Eunos Primary School

6. St. Anthony’s Canossian Primary School

7. St. Anthony’s Canossian Secondary School

8. Telok Kurau Primary School


E5 Cluster Schools


1. Broadrick Secondary School

2. Canossa Catholic Primary School

3. Geylang Methodist Primary School

4. Haig Girls’ School

5. Manjusri Secondary School

6. Ping Yi Secondary School

7. Tanjong Katong Girls’ Secondary School

8. Tanjong Katong Primary School

9. Tanjong Katong Secondary School


E6/7 Cluster Schools


1. APSN Katong School

2. CHIJ Katong Convent School

3. CHIJ Katong Primary School

4. Maha Bodhi Primary School

5. Minds Towner Gardens School

6. Ngee Ann Primary School

7. Opera Estate Primary School

8. St. Stephen’s Primary School

9. Victoria School

Who is Triple P for?


Positive Parenting Programme® (Triple P) is an evidence-based parenting and family support programme designed to prevent behavioural, emotional and developmental problems in children by enhancing the knowledge, skills and confidence of parents.


Triple P is one of the most effective evidence-based* parenting programmes in the world. Triple P:

  • Offers parents preventive programmes of different intensities to meet your needs
  • Is effective in reducing child behavioural problems and improving parental self-efficacy and satisfaction
  • Is implemented in more than 25 countries, including Australia, Japan and Hong Kong


Endorsed by a respected research organisation, it is developed by Professor Matt Sanders through more than 30 years of clinical research trial. Evaluation research shows that it produces expected and consistent positive results; and results are attributed to the programme itself, rather than to other external factors or events. The programme is tailored for parents of primary and secondary school children.


Benefits of the programmes

  • Strengthen the relationship and bond between child/ teen and parents
  • Help the child/teen through challenging transition years
  • Reduction in oppositional behaviours in child/ teen
  • Fully subsidised for all parents of children/ teens studying in the supported schools
  • Both local and foreign parents are eligible to attend
  • Triple P Level 3 sessions can be conducted in vernacular languages in Mandarin and Malay
  • Are prevention as well as intervention in nature, i.e. the programmes are suitable for parents of children/ teens with non-at-risk and at-risk behaviours, customised to your parenting needs


*Evidence-based programmes are programmes which are peer reviewed by experts in the field and are recognised by a respected research organisation, and included in their list of effective programmes.

Triple P Level 2 Webinars


Triple P Level 2 Webinars introduce parents to the five core principles of positive parenting, strategies to teach children important values and help children learn social-emotional regulation skills.


Triple P Level 2 consists of 3 webinars (1 hr per webinar), with each webinar building on the previous one, so we do recommend attending all 3 webinars to benefit best from the whole run.


Webinar topics:

Webinar Preschool Primary School Secondary School Grandparents
1 Power of Positive Parenting Power of Positive Parenting Raising Responsible Teenagers Power of Positive Grandparenting
2 Raising Confident, Competent Preschoolers Raising Confident, Competent Children Raising Competent Teenagers Raising Confident, Competent Grandchildren
3 Raising Resilient Preschoolers Raising Resilient Children Getting Teenagers Connected Raising Resilient Grandchildren


3 webinars of 1.5 hr per webinar



Triple P Level 2 Webinars are now conducted online (Zoom). It is now a FREE parenting programme, fully subsidised by the Ministry of Social and Family Development.


Register for Grandparenting (Not Available)



Triple P Level 3 One-to-One Coaching


Triple P Level 3 is for parents who are facing difficult parenting issues on a regular basis and require one-on-one help or coaching. The consultation sessions offer simple and practical strategies to help you confidently manage your children’s behaviour, prevent problems from developing and build strong, healthy relationships.


It is available for parents of primary school-going children and for parents of teenagers with mild to moderate behavioural difficulties. Triple P Level 3 interventions deal with a specific problem behaviour or issue using tip sheets and the Positive Parenting Booklet to reinforce strategies.


Primary Care Triple P is for parents of primary school-going children
Primary Care Teen Triple P is for parents of adolescents to 16 years


Session topics:

Session Parents of Primary School-aged Children Parents of Secondary School-aged Teens
  • Intake interview
  • Options for intervention
  • Intake interview
  • Options for intervention
  • Discuss causes of child behaviour problems
  • Develop specific goals for change
  • Develop a parenting plan
  • Homework tasks
  • Feedback of assessment rubrics
  • Influences on teens’ behaviour
  • Develop specific goals for change
  • Parenting Plan
  • Homework tasks
  • Review monitoring
  • Review implementation of parenting plan & fine-tuning
  • Overcoming obstacles to implementation
  • Homework tasks
  • Updates on progress
  • Review monitoring of target behaviour
  • Fine tune routines
  • Overcoming obstacles to implementation
  • Homework tasks
  • Review monitoring
  • Review progress
  • Maintenance of progress made
  • Review monitoring
  • Review implementation
  • Maintenance progress



4 sessions of 1h per session



Triple P Level 3 is conducted online or face-to-face. It is now a FREE parenting programme, fully subsidised by the Ministry of Social and Family Development. Contact us or call our Training Officers to find out more.


Triple P Level 4 Group Sessions


Triple P Level 4 Group Sessions are meant for parents/ grandparents with concerns about their child’s behaviour who require intensive training in positive parenting or those who wish to learn a variety of parenting skills to apply for multiple contexts.


Triple P Level 4 consists of 5 group sessions (2 hr per session) and 3 individual telephone consultations (20 min per session) for a group of 4 to 8 parents.


Session topics:



Positive Parenting/ Grandparenting


Helping Children Develop


Managing Misbehaviour


Planning Ahead


Using Positive Parenting Strategies 1

6 Using Positive Parenting Strategies 2

Using Positive Parenting Strategies 3


Programme Close


5 group sessions of 2 hr per session

3 individual telephone consultations of 20 min per session



In view of the current situation, Triple P Level 4 Group Sessions are now conducted online (Zoom). It is now a FREE parenting programme, fully subsidised by the Ministry of Social and Family Development. Contact us or call our Training Officers to find out more.



Signposts for building better behaviour is a programme that helps families prevent or manage the difficult behaviour of preschool and primary school-aged children (3 – 12 years), including those with developmental delay or intellectual disability. Signposts helps you as parents and caregivers to design a personalised programme that suits the unique needs of your children and develop strategies to prevent and manage difficult behaviour.


Module topics:

Module Topics
1 Measuring your child’s behaviour
2 Systematic use of daily interactions
3 Replacing difficult behaviour with useful behaviour
4 Planning for better behaviour
5 Developing more skills in your child



5 sessions of 2 hr per session



Signposts sessions are conducted in-person. Contact us or call our Training Officers for enquiries.

Click link here to register:




Kopi Sessions for Grandparents


Join fellow grandparents for an informal networking session over kopi, teh and snacks!


Here is an opportunity to:

  • Meet like-minded grandparents
  • Chat about grandparenting over a cup of kopi or teh (disciplining grandchildren, enforcing boundaries, entertaining grandchildren, making meal times manageable, overseeing academic work)
  • Learn new ways to bond with your grandchildren
  • Communicate with the “parents of your grandchildren”

… And more!!


For enquiries, please reach out to [email protected]


Register for Triple P


Please watch the video above to learn know more about the different Triple P programmes available, then you may fill in the Parenting Survey below for us to recommend suitable programmes to you.