
Focusing on emotional resilience and relationship building, !ncred!ble Me is a highly interactive programme that leverages on Social Emotional learning to actively engage the child. !ncred!ble Me teaches the child core social and emotional skills through games and activities with our accredited Incredible Years® practitioner.

Our one-to-one coaching provides an individualised learning environment, allowing both the child and parent a safe space to learn at their own pace.


Workshop dates

2 onsite workshop sessions of 1 hour each (child sessions)

2 online workshop sessions of 1 hour each (adult sessions)

Our individualized programme allows for participants to plan the session dates around their availability*

*To be arranged with trainer*


This programme is tailored for

Parents and caregivers of children aged 5 to 12 years



Do like and follow us on Facebook to get the latest updates on upcoming parenting workshops.


To register your interest, please fill in the form below or email training@morningstar.org.sg with subject line ‘Incredibleme’


Upcoming Workshops

Date & Time Venue
  • 19 Sep 2023
  • 12:00 am - 12:00 am