Social & Emotional Development in young children



The decisions we make as parents are often based on our own childhood experiences or what our parents did, while we strive to understand our children’s various stages of development. As parents, we want what is best for our children. We want to provide everything our children need, when they need it in order for them to grow into bright, confident and joyful adults. However, unless you have an understanding of your child’s cycles and stages of development, you are leaving her future up to chance.


Key areas covered:

  • Utilising theories of child development in practice
  • Children’s needs at different developmental stages
  • Developmentally appropriate approaches to managing social and emotional issues
  • Working with children who have problems with emotion regulation



Parents will learn to

  • understand the developmental patterns and needs of children
  • apply developmentally appropriate approaches to grow children socially and emotionally
  • coach children to regulate their emotions




1 session of 3hr



Target audience:

Staff / volunteers


Register Your Interest

This workshop will be conducted if we've gathered enough requests. Register your interest below and we will get back to you.