Many parents and caregivers want to know how to build confidence in children. After all, confidence is a superpower for kids. It helps them enjoy challenges, take reasonable risks, try new things, make new friends and adjust well to school life. It’s not about feeling better than others, but an inner belief that says, […]
For children to become well-adjusted, well-rounded individuals, they need a solid foundation that allows them to build positive relationships with others. Being able to communicate their thoughts and emotions effectively can stimulate their cognitive development and critical thinking skills. They’ll also be able to strengthen their connections with their family, friends, teachers, and caregivers, creating […]
There is a growing concern that traditional teaching methods have become inadequate in today’s fast-paced world. Some argue that traditional teaching systems are fixated on facts, figures, and high standardized test scores and not on actual learning itself, leaving children inflexible, passive, and unable to cope with situatshop nfl jerseys best nfl jerseys custom […]
We’ve seen 10 behaviours that destroy a relationship, but what about behaviours that strengthen a relationship? Couples can learn to improve their communication skills and recognise each other’s love languages to build greater trust and intimacy in their relationship. But what does this look like practically? 1 Improving Your Communication Skills […]
Tom and Mary (not their real names) had been married for nearly 30 years and had children together, but they came to us to seek counselling for divorce. During the sessions, it was revealed that they had no conflicts with each other; the only reason they wanted a divorce was because they didn’t feel […]
Has your child just popped the dreaded question, “Can I have a smartphone?” If your child is still in primary school and you’ve chosen not to hand them a smartphone just yet, you’ve joined the ranks of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and top-grossing actress Nicole Kidman. But many parents opt to give […]
While every relationship has its own unique challenges, there are four common red flags that may signal your relationship is approaching a crossroads. The good news is: it is still salvageable. Read on to find out how you can patch back your relationship if you agree with any of these four points. 1 […]